Music Friedel
is a website to provide information about me.
The access to this website is completely anonymous, however the webmaster has no control over data collected by third parties signing the guestbook.
No data is automatically collected, it is only used for communication, it is held confidentially and is never sold to third parties. |


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The webmaster never collects data from persons under 18 years age. All written words and images are protected by copyright. Linking to my website is allowed, you may use the information found. Please do not reproduce any content without prior permission of the webmaster. |
On all files created not by myself permission is granted by the TOS of the copyright holder.
The images of TS Maxim Gorky I use with permission of Uwe Noak, webmaster of Club TS Hamburg.
The images from the Royals are from this website- these images are intended to be used by individuals, communities, charities, parishes and other non-commercial organisations. I have created them, before I started my own first website Timelines, so maybe these images are not online any longer.
Images for Dance Competition, Karaoke and Freddy Entertainment I have bought the licence from fotolia and use with permission for my website. http://us.fotolia.com/Info/SizesAndUses
The Image for my picture card I use with permission from my friend Clive Jeffers from United Kingdom.
All other images I have created myself with my own digicam and own software.
The webmaster is not liable for the completeness, reliability and accuracy of the facts described within this website, and should not be held liable for improper or incorrect use.
All external links are checked regularly. When links are found which injure international law- external links to sites showing pornography, racism, discrimination or hatred- these links will be removed immediately. It can take some days, until all linked sites are checked, so I am not responsible for any damages resulting from visiting such sites, before I have deleted these links.
The Webmaster. Kamp-Bornhofen, 2007
Copyright Webmaster 2007- 2023 
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